Alfred Toolkits

A collection of Themes and Workflows for Alfred by Chris Messina.

View the Project on GitHub chrismessina/alfred-app

Alfred Workflows

I have released three Alfred Workflows.

Twitter Toolkit

Twitter logo

The Twitter Toolkit for Alfred is a set of keywords that let you quickly interact with Twitter’s website, Mac app, and Tweetbot.

It makes it easy to quickly search and find your own content or the content of people you follow.

Sonos Toolkit

Sonos logo

The Sonos Toolkit for Alfred offers a set of keywords that let you quickly interact with Sonos’s Mac app.

.New Cloud Documents

New logo

.new is a domain extension exclusively for performing new actions online: any act that leads to creation can have a quick and memorable .new shortcut associated with it.

This Alfred Workflow allows you to quickly create new cloud documents simply by invoking the ‘new’ keyword, a space, and then selecting from the list of available options.